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The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 03 Mär 2013 18:38
von zwirrlibatz

Jetz scho gitts als amouse bouche de "Factions", es online PvP Arenabättelspiel:

Quelle ... ctions.php" onclick=";return false;

Uf Schtiim!




Mega isch es. Visuell so schön (Bakshi!!!) wie herrlich langsam im Spieltämpo. Für Fründe vo Gladius & Fire Emblem! Chasch online dine Nerdfründe de Schädel schpalte!

Re: The Banner Saga Factions

Verfasst: 04 Mär 2013 15:24
von zwirrlibatz
The Banner Saga

The core of the game is to be a single-player campaign of turn-based combat engagements inspired by games such as Final Fantasy Tactics and Shining Force, with the player controlling and being able to build up a party of characters with complementing abilities.

According to the developers, their aim is to create a "mature game for adults in the vein of Game of Thrones or The Black Company". They intend to engage players emotionally by allowing them to build relationships with the game's characters and shape the outcome of the story through an array of conversation choices.[4] The game will eschew certain conventions of action-oriented computer role-playing games such as the focus on a young lone hero's story, looting and buying items, or reloading a saved game state after defeat. Instead, the developers intend to tell the story of the player's caravan as a whole, and encourage players to accept and deal with the consequences of any defeats they may encounter.[5]

The game is to be set in a Viking-inspired fantasy setting, chosen by the developers so as to avoid what they considered the "overdone 'elves, dwarves and orcs' dynamic".[4] With a visual style influenced by Eyvind Earle's art for the 1959 Disney film Sleeping Beauty, as well as the work of Ralph Bakshi and Don Bluth, The Banner Saga's art is to feature primarily hand-drawn animation sequences, characters and backgrounds.[4]

The Banner Saga: Factions

The turn-based multiplayer combat component was released on Steam as a free standalone game, called The Banner Saga: Factions, prior to the release of the single-player game. Factions became available to backers on 18 February 2013 and to the public on 25 February.[6] It allow players to pit teams of six combatants, chosen from 16 classes, against each other.[7]

Factions uses the city of Strand as its main UI, with players selecting different buildings of the city to access various playmodes and functionalities. Additionally, "the city will evolve as the story unfolds".[8]
Es schiint tatsächli sowas wie s'sträflich untergangne Gladius z'werde. Fröi. :panik:

Da isch de Kickstart gsi: ... anner-saga" onclick=";return false;

Re: The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 04 Mär 2013 15:34
von zwirrlibatz
Not another generic fantasy: Drawing heavily from Norse culture while creating its own identity and mythology, The Banner Saga takes a low-fantasy approach to viking themes. Giants: yes. Horned helmets: no.

Strategic combat: Recruit a large roster of unique characters throughout the story, each with different abilities that interact in combat in a deeply tactical way and personalities of their own. The Banner Saga harkens back to classic turn-based gameplay with a strong emphasis on tactics over brute force and endless grinding.

Travel across gorgeous landscapes: The choices you make as events arise have a huge affect on how the story plays out- who survives, who dies, and what's worth saving. Add people to your caravan as you travel, or lose them when tough decisions arise. You're not just fighting to save nameless strangers, you're fighting for your neighbors, your family and your way of life. We want you to care what happens to them.

An emphasis on story: Your choices in dialogue and throughout the game truly affect the story and the people around you. A mature story for adults means forming relationships and making tough decisions; not sex, violence and swearing.

Play online: Though the single-player campaign is our focus, The Banner Saga provides a deep multiplayer game; build a unique party of characters and battle friends and enemies in multiplayer combat. Upgrade your party over time and devise new strategies.

Risk in gameplay: A lot of modern games play it safe- you know you'll defeat the evil and save the day. In The Banner Saga you can't take anything for granted. We want it to feel like a good tv mini-series; the world doesn't revolve around you, it's about how you deal with change.


Re: The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 04 Mär 2013 17:04
von Uriel
Irgendwie reizt mich dr Multiplayer nüd so, trotz Beta Access etc. etc. Ich wart irgendwie lieber uf das ganze Ding.

Re: The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 04 Mär 2013 17:13
von zwirrlibatz
jo, de macht churzwiilig spass. ich würd schomal driigüxle. macht söchtig. :fear:

Re: The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 04 Mär 2013 17:14
von zwirrlibatz
online schach quasi, ei partie gaht so vo 15 bis 30 minute.

Re: The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 04 Mär 2013 17:35
von zwirrlibatz
Lots of games have world maps that let you roam a continent, discovering locations and giving the sense of a larger world. We wanted to capture that feeling, but with the sense of urgency and hardship that comes with thousands of people marching across a huge landscape. In The Banner Saga you don’t have the luxury of mucking around. Time plays an integral factor, and traveling plays a huge part in the decisions you make.

With that in mind, you’ll have a specific goal as part of the story, and the world map is where you’ll plot a course toward that goal and make high-level decisions. Deciding which towns and territory to pass though and whether to make a straight shot for your destination or a safer, more roundabout route will have a huge effect on the events that occur along the way. You carry news with you that others have not heard, and how you use that knowledge also impacts the story. In addition, the world is not an unoccupied land mass peppered with friendly villages. There are contested territories and different factions who have different opinions of each other. Negotiating these problems is part of travel.

At key points along the path events will occur that are out of your control and have world-wide effects. How you react to them, and the path you forge in response, are part of your story.

When major events happen, or you’ve taken an action like setting up camp or entering a town or city, the world map transition into the side-scrolling mode shown in the trailer, called exploration. This is a big part of gameplay! Here you can see the size and mood of your caravan, how many people are traveling with you, and get a better view of the world around you. Exploration will introduce you to the stark beauty of the world around you, and better immerse you in the environment.

Re: The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 09 Mär 2013 11:30
von zwirrlibatz ... 66010.html" onclick=";return false;

krass, 700% gfundet isch es worde. drum evtl au psn und xbla und es sind übrigens ex-bioware/SWTOR lüüt.

Re: The Banner Saga Factions

Verfasst: 09 Mär 2013 11:33
von zwirrlibatz
zwirrlibatz hat geschrieben:Es schiint tatsächli sowas wie s'sträflich untergangne Gladius z'werde.
es wird glaubs es birebitzeli besser.

Re: [KECKSTARTER] The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 14 Jan 2014 22:41
von zwirrlibatz
immerhin d'müsig isch scho mal dusse" onclick=";return false;

und ersch no für en guete zwäck.

Re: [KECKSTARTER] The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 14 Jan 2014 22:44
von zwirrlibatz
oh es isch ja dusse!!!! :panik: :panik: :panik: :panik:

de erschti spielvomjahr2014 awärter! ... t-1104965/" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

:panik: :panik: :panik: :panik:

Re: [KECKSTARTER] The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 14 Jan 2014 23:27
von zwirrlibatz" onclick=";return false; :fanfare:

Re: [KECKSTARTER] The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 15 Jan 2014 10:53
von Uriel
Wenn ich mal an min Code würd hanechoo, würd ichs ja gern spiele :arglgaglgglglg:
Wer hetts scho?

Re: [KECKSTARTER] The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 15 Jan 2014 11:13
von zwirrlibatz
ich han! wele code? steame und guet isch.

scho chli gspielt. absolut einzigartig. fire emblem kämpf mit text adventure gschicht. dialög sind close ups. würkli animiert sind nur kämpf und s'autowandere uf de riiiiiiiiesige map. dh während letschterer cha me pausiere und im camp umehänge.

Re: [KECKSTARTER] The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 15 Jan 2014 12:09
von thaeye

Re: [KECKSTARTER] The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 15 Jan 2014 12:17
von Uriel
zwirrlibatz hat geschrieben:ich han! wele code? steame und guet isch.
Ich bin backer.

Re: [KECKSTARTER] The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 15 Jan 2014 12:23
von zwirrlibatz
Uriel hat geschrieben:
zwirrlibatz hat geschrieben:ich han! wele code? steame und guet isch.
Ich bin backer.
ha ha!

Re: [KECKSTARTER] The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 17 Jan 2014 08:58
von Mastler(P) ... aga-review" onclick=";return false;

härte shizzle. aber ich glaub ich spills nöd. :lol:

Re: [KECKSTARTER] The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 17 Jan 2014 09:08
von zwirrlibatz
gitt immerno gratis online pvp trial" onclick=";return false;

s'tatsächliche spili isch aber weder pvp no online. i däm trial cha me eifach s'kampf- und levelsystem teschte.

Re: [KECKSTARTER] The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 31 Jan 2014 22:43
von zwirrlibatz
niemert spielts. alli tumm.

Re: [KECKSTARTER] The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 02 Feb 2014 23:34
von zwirrlibatz ... aga-review" onclick=";return false; :party:

Re: [KECKSTARTER] The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 05 Feb 2014 15:47
von Sidiris
Ziehs mir glaub irgendwann schon mal rein... aber bin noch an Battleworld: Kronos dran :herzli:

Re: [KECKSTARTER] The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 06 Feb 2014 07:51
von Pandemonium
Ich spiels und finds fantastisch. Es zieht eim allerdings recht abe findi. Sind immer recht härti Entscheidige wod muesch treffe und praktisch immer häts ä negativi Uswürkig.

Re: [KECKSTARTER] The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 06 Feb 2014 13:27
von zwirrlibatz
lol, das stimmt. paarmal bin ich überzügt gsi jetz han ich salomon mit einstein krüzt und zackbumm die halb horde isch drvogrännt oder krepiert. :lol: ich glaub es hett nume schlächti konsequänze und mit dene muesch denn eifach läbe und wiiterspiele. it's grim up north.

Re: [KECKSTARTER] The Banner Saga

Verfasst: 06 Feb 2014 14:39
von Pandemonium
Bi leider scho länger nüme dezue cho aber mues würkli wiitermache. Hät ä wahnsinnig gueti Athmosphäre. Schad isch, das sehr wenig voice acting drin isch. Wohl ä Büdgetentscheidig.